dave boles

204 pages
, plus cover, 2 illustrations
6 x 9, Perfect Bound

Free shipping within Continental United States


In the early moments of 2020, a terrible disease found its way to American soil. Within weeks it would savage the nation, leading to its borders being shutdown, emergency orders given for citizens to stay in their homes, and an ad-hoc committee of politicians, doctors, and scientists formed to lead Americans through the crisis of Sars-CoV-2, a coronavirus that would come to be known as COVID-19, or simply, the RONA. What began as 15-Days to slow the curve in order to combat this new, nefarious disease, would ultimately lead into an ongoing miasma of tyrannical measures that continue to hold America hostage to this day. Dividing its citizens, supplanting their freedom with fear, media moguls and techno giants became demi-gods, decrying they alone would decide which information is allowed to be shared through their benevolent decrees. This is a story of those first few days when America still held on to its ideals of freedom.

Fear gripped America as Covid-19 continued its rampage. Schools were shutting down, film releases were postponed, campaign speeches were cancelled, health officials were creating media campaigns to teach us how to properly wash our hands—on top of all this Joe Biden cruised to the Democrat Party forefront in his bid to Make America Normal Again.

Observing this once in a lifetime event of both national, and international, political and economic change, how could I not keep a journal as to the surreal madness that continued to unravel our world on a daily basis.

I dutifully wrote daily an online "journal" through my Facebook news feed. Attempting to make sense of the nonsense we were confronted with, I listened to every briefing I could find and read countless articles from around the globe in journals that were as varied as the advice they gave. I listened to political, medical and cultural leaders as they all attempted to guide us through the fateful beginnings of COVID-19, to help us to find our way out of the vast morass we had been placed into.

I wrote for family, friends, for myself. I wrote as much as I could in order to document this terrible disease and the pandemic that it brought to us.

It was a great time to bear witness to the insanity that would become known to many as simply, RONA.

Here, then, is the story as it unfolded.

                    - dave boles