david a. boles

    Boles' poem serenades long gone Beat figures. It was written in 1986, long after the demise of the Beat era, but still relative to the post-Beat generation. The years have passed, but the poem has not lost anything in its visionary appeal. When I read the poem, I thought of my friend, the late Jack Micheline, and I pictured him reading it at a poetry reading. It's a poem that works well on the written page, but I feel it would be stronger still if read out loud.

 I like clarity in poetry, so that a reader doesn't have to struggle with strained syntax or inventive grammar. Boles' poem does not disappoint. This is the kind of book to read over a cup of coffee and  leaves you with the feeling you are being given permission to enter the landscape he has drawn.

 Boles' range is impressive, with a large capacity of genuine feeling. There is no pretension here. The poem speaks with an authentic vision, all to often lacking in today's poetry world. The strength prevails throughout the poem as if the reader was sitting across the table from the poet engaged in a lively conversation.

a.d. winans / 03-17-2011

24pp.  Soft Cover. Saddle Stitched.  $10.00